Tips for Being a Good Co-Driver
Hiring a professional driving instructor is a smart step toward educating your teen about the ‘right way’ to drive in today’s ever-changing environment. After all, you may be a good driver, but if you’re like most, you probably have some bad habits you would rather not see your child pick up. Most of my daylight hours are spent in the serious field of driver education. Sadly, each year in Canada, traffic-related collisions are the number one cause of serious injuries and fatalities for persons between the ages of 16 to 25. Consequently, learning to drive properly is one of the most important things you will ever do for yourself, your passengers, and others who share the road.
Along the way to becoming a good defensive driver, your son or daughter should understand that driving is a privilege, not a right. With privilege comes responsibility. One of the most important factors in preventing teen collisions and fatalities is to teach new drivers how to be aware of and proactively identify risks and learn how to deal with them.
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Driver training can be pretty scary stuff. I have been in the traffic safety industry for over 16 years, and I can tell you stories that would make your hair stand up. Since getting my license, I have always made it a practice to avoid certain actions like driving in lanes designated for oncoming traffic, turning left on red lights, or running over pedestrians. Unfortunately, while avoiding these actions seem perfectly natural and logical to me, some of the students I have taught do not (look as if they) feel the same way. Of course, the purpose of driver training is to build safe habits, create an understanding of the vehicle and how it handles in various conditions, and eliminate dangerous behaviours. This is why I have more grey hair than my older brother. (Or maybe he is using Grecian Formula, I’m not quite sure)
Although a good instructor creates the foundation for learning the right skills in the 10-hour beginner driver education course, according to statistics, the average novice driver requires approximately 40 to 50 hours of supervised driving practice before they are ready to handle today’s busier traffic environment. Simply put, this means that it important for a new driver to practice their skills while supervised. You may add a few grey hairs, but helping your teen to become a confident and skilled driver under your watchful eye will reward you through strengthening your relationship with your teen and giving you some peace of mind when they start asking for the keys.
Remember That Parents Are Indispensable Help in Teaching Their Teens
Most parents’ driving resumes would include:
The Tips
Before you know it, your child will be well on the way to Driving Safe… for Life!